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Tourist Demographics 1996-2019

Demographic and Psychographic profiles of stopover visitors to The Bahamas (i.e., age, sex, household income, traveling party size, educational level, household size, main country of origin, purpose of visit).

Product Satisfaction Ratings 1998-2019

Ratings for all Bahamas, Nassau/Paradise Island, Grand Bahama and The Out Islands on hotel rooms, hotel service, value for money in hotels, overall value for money, attitude of the people, beaches, climate, restaurant service, restaurant food, etc.

Likelihood to Return & Recommend 1998-2019 

Likelihood of stopover visitors returning and recommending The Bahamas to friends and relatives.

Repeat Visitors 1997-2019 

Repeat visitors are the stopover visitors that have been to The Bahamas before.

Tour Operator/Travel Agent Usage 1997 to 2019  

The percentage of stopover visitors that have been booking their reservations using traditional tour operators or travel agents has been declining since the 1990's as the Internet became popular.  The popularity of the Internet has allowed stopover visitors to The Bahamas to easily book their reservations online instead.  As the traditional usage of tour operators and travel agents declined over the years, there has been a surge in the use of online travel agents (OTA's) to book reservations to destinations like The Bahamas.  In addition, stopovers have booked online directly with airlines and hotels.

The use of traditional tour operators and travel agents has remained more popular for some source markets than others, but this trend has shown signs of changing too.