Iconic Fish Fry Continues to Thrive

FREEPORT, GRAND BAHAMA ISLAND- For over three decades, the Fish Fry has always been recognized as an authentic dining experience fully dedicated to fun, food, and festivities.
In fact, for many of the visitors who travel to Grand Bahama Island, the Fish Fry is an iconic destination on every itinerary that should never be missed.
Located in the Smith's Point area of Grand Bahama, many restaurants in the subdivision were greatly impacted by the strong wind speeds associated with Hurricane Matthew.
However, despite the physical challenges caused by the hurricane, local restauranteurs have partnered to accelerate the process of restoration.
Kirk, owner of Penny's Fish Fry Bar and Restaurant, notes that "We have to motivate ourselves, and keep our spirits up and going. We're here to serve the people; if we sit down and wait then there's no beginning for us".
With optimistic attitudes and hearts willing to serve, many of the business owners adopted the logic that it is nearly impossible for the destruction of the hurricane to hinder their spirits.
As a result, Penny's Fish Fry Restaurant and Bar re-opened just a week after the storm hit the island of Grand Bahama.
Furthermore, in an effort to maintain a level of normalcy on the island, Marcel Wilson, owner of Outriggers, said that “In just three weeks the Fish Fry should be fully up and running".
In the mean time, Outriggers will be operating at a temporary location just across the street from its former beach front property.
Wilson added that though " We are going through a challenging time, if you persevere and stay strong, no matter how bad it looks, try to keep your spirits up, and that's what we're doing."